Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Mountain Time

August 7th:

Day 17 is complete and I would say it was not the most fun day I’ve had. I sent 101 miles on a highway where the speed limits are 65 and most people are going 70 to 80 mph with heavy truck traffic. So, pretty unsettling. I did have a bit of a tailwind and actually averaged over 20mph, however it just was not picturesque countryside. One more day in Nebraska and then on to Colorado. We did stay at another shabby campground, basically in a small field, a vacant lot on a side street, with run down showers. Camping is not the highlight of Nebraska either. But we persevere and stay connected. We went back into town and watched a movie last night and went out to dinner, which was kind of nice. So, onward west. I am over the halfway point, I’ve passed that, and am happy to continue into Colorado on Day 18.

Tim is the most positive person I have ever known. His description of yesterday is way too kind. His ability to persevere through the most difficult situations serves him well in life and is a guiding light in mine. Given his strength of spirit, I will not whine about Nebraska, except to say that Virginia may be for lovers, but south central Nebraska was never meant for camping. There are no hotels here, and the motels are, well…anyway. I’d rather tent. Tim didn’t mention the railroad track next to us with trains arriving and departing and hooting and flying by all night long. And I was not alone in that nasty dirty cinderblock shower last night…there was a little frog hopping around my feet and I almost enjoyed its company. Enough said. The movie and dinner at a pizza place was pure luxury. I do worry about Tim’s safety on these fast frightening highways and l am not inclined to bike back to him here. I sincerely look forward to getting through this area and back onto our trusty bike maps in southern Colorado. 

August 8th:

Day 18 is complete. 1,964 miles traveled. I felt really good and I went 126 miles through nice rolling Nebraska countryside. I saw sunflower fields, oil rigs, and also went on a 10 mile off road excursion per google maps which took me on some remote back roads. Most of the day was highway which was much better. Stayed at a lovely campground last night on a bluff overlooking Swanson Lake.
Had a good night’s sleep and a great campground meal and I’m ready to bike into Colorado.

Swanson Lake was gorgeous. Best campsite yet. We traveled across the dam to the swimming beach and got to enjoy a gorgeous sunset while wading in the water. Lovely. Quiet and restful night with only crickets to listen to. But then we noticed the ticks crawling on me. Life 101…with every wonder comes a challenge. But in the end it’s all good. When we headed out this morning the Nebraska countryside didn’t disappoint, and the first miles in Colorado were amazing. Not even sure I can describe it and pictures don’t do it justice. Slow steady climb up, up, and up to what (so far…I know, the Rockies are ahead!) felt like the top of the world. Such a beautiful stretch of land with pointy scrub brush and rolling hills like I have never seen before. Sunflower fields as far as the eye can see.
Black cattle dotting the landscape and the sun streaking through the clouds in every direction with a sky so vast this naive Vermonter was moved to tears. Gorgeous. We are now at 5000 feet or more and it was a long hot steady climb for Tim. He went well over 100 miles again today and it doesn’t seem to bother him at all. He climbs off his bike singing Beatles songs. I am beginning to take his athleticism for granted. I’m still nervous about the fast truck traffic, and ok, I’ll admit it, the heat gets to me. I chose to drive, park, wait, read, listen to my book on tape, drink water (lots and lots), and just bask in this interesting and entirely different world. Came through one little town called Cope that was like a ghost town…everything closed or falling into disrepair. I guess whoever lived there once simply couldn’t live up to it’s name. Staying at a tiny little motel tonight in a town that is no more than a few grain elevators, a tiny general store and this little place. Goats in the front yard, horses in a paddock, a sweet rambunctious dog, and a little kitten who would desperately love to spend the night in our room. (Not happening.)
Really nice people who run the place and a clean hot shower. (Priorities!) Looking forward to connecting with family in the Denver area tomorrow night. 

Family reunion pics from Iowa...

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